Recipe of Fish Soup with Coconut

How to cook: In the below you will get the recipes ideas of soup. It is one kind of new recipes. Follow the instructions of recipe for Fish Soup with Coconut. 

Preparation time: 25 minutes 
Cooking time: About 15-20 minutes 
Serves 4 
Calories: 430 per portion 

Cooking Recipes You will need: 
550 g/1 ¼ ib monkfish or halibut fillet, skinned and cubed salt 
25 g/1 oz desiccated coconut 
6 shallots 
6 almonds, blanched 
2-3 cm/1 inch piece root ginger, peeled and sliced 
2 stem lemon grass, trimmed And root discarded 
2-3 teaspoons oil 
1 recipe coconut cream and milk (See Cool’s Tip) 
1-2 fresh chilies, seeded and finely sliced 
Fresh coriander to garnish 

fish soup with coconut
fish coconut soup
fish soup and coconut soup
Recipe description for Fish Coconut Soup:
Sprinkle the fish with salt. Place the coconut in a wok and heat until golden and crisp. Remove and pound until oily. Puree the shallots, almonds, garlic, ginger and 6 cm/2 ½ inches from the root end of the lemon grass (reserve the remainder) in a blender. Add the turmeric. Heat the oil and fry the pureed mixture for a few minutes. Add the coconut milk and bring to the boil, stirring constantly. Add the fish, chilies, remaining lemon grass and cook for 3-4 minutes. Stir in the pounded coconut and cook for 2-3 minutes. Remove the stems of lemon grass, stir in the coconut cream, transfer to a serving tureen and garnish with fresh coriander. 

Cooking Tips of Fish Coconut Soup 
To make the coconut cream and milk for the recipe above, put 300 g/11 oz desiccated coconut and 750 ml/1 ¼ pints boiling water in a blender and work for 20 seconds. Pour into a bowl and cool to blood heat. Strain the milk into a bowl; this is the coconut milk. The squeezed out flesh is the pounded coconut for adding latter. When the cream rises to the top of the coconut milk skim off about 50 ml/2 fl oz and add to the soup just before serving. 

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